2024 Goals Week 8 of 52

Last week was an interesting week. We spent most of the week moving my father-in-law out of his assisted living apartment in Horseheads to moving him into a new locked wing Memory Care facility in Brockport.

After moving him into his new digs on Monday we hope things will settle down for all of our family and he can comfortably settle into his new life closer to Scott and I. With that said, it was another week of struggling to accomplish much in the goals dept, but I needed to focus on my family first.

I did get a few things done though. Working on goals helped to occupy my mind and relieve some stress for me. Here goes!

Home repairs professionally done – New kitchen countertops, rip out over-the-oven microwave and replace with new exhaust hood, trim all fruit trees and cut down all sumac in the hedgerow.

I jumped on Facebook Marketplace this week and found 8 ft lengths of butcher block countertops for only $200 each slab. I am working on getting two which would be perfect for what I need.

Home projects done by us – Paint all trim in kitchen, re-paint upper kitchen cabinets, paint ceiling and walls in hallway, finish painting and put up picket pallet fencing, finish painting master bedroom and hang mantle over bed, front porch stained or painted, new brick patio in the backyard.

Nothing done on this goal this week.

Sewing projects – Finish Joyce’s Rose, New curtains for kitchen window, new seat cover for kitchen chair, new curtain over cat’s window seat, Christmas tree skirt, finish winter and summer season x-stitch projects.

I started working on my curtain for the living room window. I’ll update more next time.

Read 30 books (It’s my goal every year)

No books finished this week but reading several at the moment.

Books read so far in 2024:

1. “Not Quite Prince Charming” by Liz Talley

2. “Buttercups in the Basement” by Jane Harvey

3. “Searching for Sandra” by Jane Harvey

4. “Christmas at Hummingbird House” by Jane Harvey

5. “Perfectly Charming” by Liz Talley

6. “Home for Christmas” by Lloyd C. Douglas

7. “Witch Is When I Said Goodbye” by Adele Abbott

That’s 7 books read. 23 to go.

Take at least 2 mini vacations and see my step-daughter’s new house in NC.

I really want to go to Jasper, Canada which I saw in the Bachelor on Monday night but will have to settle for a weekend getaway.

Garden goals – raise 500 lbs of produce, new kitchen garden in front and new fruit garden in back, compost all dug and reset, raised bed garden re-imagined.

I started looking at Strawberry Plants.

Exercise somehow every single day concentrating most on core and pelvic floor and mobility.

I walked 2x last week.

Get all of my Etsy listings listed by March 31st so I can enjoy my garden in the Spring and summer months.

I got 9 listing up in my Etsy shop and tons more I am working on. 💪

Explore the Western NY Antique Trail (Yes, there is such a thing).

Now that we have Dad set up in his new home closer to us we hope to have a Saturday to do this.

Explore at least 3 local walking/biking trails.

Warmer weather for this goal. But we spied a bike trail along the canal in Brockport we would like to check out.

Sell 300 listings on Etsy this year.

I sold one listing this past week. 257 out of 300 to go!

Church goals – Six thrift sales this year, Work on baptism records and historical info, work on getting our church info out there for weddings, one historical themed event/fundraiser this year.

Our next thrift sale is in April! (God willing)

Pay off one of the two credit cards.

I have a very long, not so great story to tell you in my next update.

That’s it this time! How are you doing with your goals? – MM

P.s. if you would like to check out my Etsy shop here is the link https://redmillvintageandnew.etsy.com

Published by marymargaretripley

Welcome to my Blog! My world is my husband and son (soon to be moving into his own home) and my step-children (fully grown) and our two cats who are definitely ying and yang. My day job is as Deputy Clerk of my home town in Western, NY but when I get home I have two side gigs, one as a professional private baker, and two, as an Etsy shop owner selling vintage and antique dishes and accessories. I have been gardening and growing my own food since my grandfather taught me at the ripe old age of 5. I stitch, I bake, I grow food, I can and preserve, I grocery shop to save money and eat well and boy do I have massive to-do lists. I hope you enjoy my day to day writings.

2 thoughts on “2024 Goals Week 8 of 52

    1. It sure is! He won’t be escaping this place. It’s a locked wing! He kept walking out of the other place and hitching rides and not knowing where he was. I haven’t gotten them yet. Hopefully in the next week. I am going to have to seal them myself but that’s perfectly OK with me.

      Liked by 1 person

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