Week 12 of 80 – Not Impressed With Our Debt – Wardrobe Problems

Ladies, has your husband or significant other ever packed your things for a trip? We were participating in a friend’s wedding this weekend and like usual I got hung up at the bakery and didn’t have time to pack anything for myself the night before.

Scott had to pack for me (he is such a good sport), I rushed home from work, jumped in the car with him and we took off for our three hour drive to the rehearsal, with me still clothed in bakery stained work attire.

I have to admit he did a pretty good job throwing all of my make-up and clothes in a bag for me. He even remembered the phone chargers!

But I groaned a bit when I saw the underwear he grabbed for me. Not that anyone but him was going to see me in them, but the elastic is shot on them and well, they are not one of my go to pairs if you know what I mean.

Then I thought to myself, why the hell do I still have them then?

Why do we keep ill fitting clothes? The faded, stretched out, torn, elastic shot clothes that we would be mortified if someone saw us wearing them?

I don’t really have an answer for that. Maybe we just dont want to be wasteful?

I have struggled with clothes lately. Because of our debt pay down plan I have had tremendous guilt about buying anything for myself.

With my new second job as a legal secretary though I need to have some decent clothes so I tried one of those home delivery box services where they send you clothes to your specifications and individual tastes.

The reason why I decided to try the home delivery is that going to the malls is too time consuming working seven days a week, the clothes never fit me properly and the styles malls offer lack imagination. The thrift stores, while cheap, still limit me greatly.

I have to say I was completely impressed with what the home delivery sent me. I got a pair of jeans a shirt, a blouse, a bracelet and a long sweater.

The cost of the box was more than what I am used to paying, but then again I have also been getting my clothes from thrift stores mostly.

I felt great going to work in my new clothes and you know what? I don’t feel too guilty about it. I kept all the clothes because I loved all of them and I will do it again!

Hubby also got a new pair of shoes for the wedding which he really needed and we took advantage of the huge store closing sale at our Bed, Bath and Beyond store to invest in some decent sheet sets because of course ours were torn and stretched out and scratchy.

But the good news is that I didn’t use the credit card to buy any of it. We used our debit card and I still got a large payment made to the Old Navy card this week and we are able to double our contribution to our 401k which our employer matches.

I have been putting a lot of pressure on myself to pay off this debt quickly but I have to remind myself that there are going to be things we need to take advantage of when we can to save money in the long run.

We are getting there! See you next week -MM

p.s. congratulations John and Beth!

Published by marymargaretripley

Welcome to my Blog! My world is my husband and son (soon to be moving into his own home) and my step-children (fully grown) and our two cats who are definitely ying and yang. My day job is as Deputy Clerk of my home town in Western, NY but when I get home I have two side gigs, one as a professional private baker, and two, as an Etsy shop owner selling vintage and antique dishes and accessories. I have been gardening and growing my own food since my grandfather taught me at the ripe old age of 5. I stitch, I bake, I grow food, I can and preserve, I grocery shop to save money and eat well and boy do I have massive to-do lists. I hope you enjoy my day to day writings.

2 thoughts on “Week 12 of 80 – Not Impressed With Our Debt – Wardrobe Problems

  1. Oh I struggles with that too! I kept things in my closet for years because I feel guilty about getting rid of them… Good for you trying out that box service. If the clothes are quality, and you will wear them regularly, you will save in the long run. 😄


  2. I wonder what it is about always keeping old clothes? I’ve been wearing the same clothes for about ten years! Part of me is just impressed I still fit into them. Part of me thinks I probably should consider upgrading my work clothes. Well done on managing your new purchases and still paying down your debt. What a great achievement, one you can be proud of!


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