How Do I Get So Much Done?

Right now I am reading the Little House on the Prairie, by Laura Ingalls Wilder series and am currently on book 6. The old ways fascinate me. Believe me I won’t be giving up modern conveniences like proper healthcare, electricity, flushing toilets or hot showers any time ever, but I wouldn’t mind giving up cell phones and Facebook or even car payments for a while.

So many people ask me, “How do you have time for so many things and still work full time?” The answer? I don’t waste my time on Facebook all day. How many hours in your day are you wasting taking silly tests and looking at profiles of people you don’t even know? How about the 10,000 memes a day you have to wade through on your newsfeed just to get to one decent post that actually means something to you?

Let me ask you a question. What did you do with your time before the internet and cell phones and social media? Me personally? I can tell you I was a whole lot more productive that’s for sure. I actually cleaned my house for one thing and ran errands every Saturday from 8 am until noon after which I would come home and make myself lunch and watch the Victory Garden on PBS. I had a day of the week I grocery shopped and a specific night where I sat down in my cozy apartment kitchen and had enough money to enjoy paying our bills. I also hand wrote the envelopes and signed the checks to pay those bills instead of mindlessly using the bill pay option on my bank’s website.

We’ve lost the enjoyment of accomplishing things with our hands and millennials in particular have convinced us we need to do everything with the click of a mouse.

After writing an email to Anthony Ongaro of Break the Twitch I have a new perspective on how I want this blog to represent me. He asked me in his return email what I hope to accomplish with my blog. I thought long and hard about that question from him and I think I finally know what I want to accomplish with my writing. I want to educate, inspire and reveal to you that a combination of old and new ways can be more satisfying than you ever thought possible. I have a feeling that many of my friends and acquaintances are unsatisfied and unfulfilled in their lives but have no idea why. I know that I have been unfulfilled and unsatisfied because I have let the old me go and the unproductive new me take the forefront.

I hope you will join me on this journey of finding that balance between old ways and new ways. I know this may sound a little vague but you’ll understand more as you read future posts.

Thank you to Anthony Ongaro, who I greatly admire for his writings on the buying and social media rut we have found ourselves in, for his question of what I want to accomplish in my writing. If you would like to read some of Anthony’s writings or watch his podcasts please feel free to check him out Anthony Ongaro





Published by marymargaretripley

Welcome to my Blog! My world is my husband and son (soon to be moving into his own home) and my step-children (fully grown) and our two cats who are definitely ying and yang. My day job is as Deputy Clerk of my home town in Western, NY but when I get home I have two side gigs, one as a professional private baker, and two, as an Etsy shop owner selling vintage and antique dishes and accessories. I have been gardening and growing my own food since my grandfather taught me at the ripe old age of 5. I stitch, I bake, I grow food, I can and preserve, I grocery shop to save money and eat well and boy do I have massive to-do lists. I hope you enjoy my day to day writings.

4 thoughts on “How Do I Get So Much Done?

  1. This post really resonates with me! I feel the same way about having a balance between old and new ways of doing things. I find so much satisfaction in being productive and creating something for my family with my own hands. Looking forward to reading more about your journey. And I LOVE the Little House series.


  2. ‘Little House on the Prairie’ is one of my very favourite books. It’s mentioned a few times on the website which I’ve been involved with – do have a look! The latest post is about building a house. I envy the simplicity of the family’s lives but above all their competence at doing things. I hate being stuck when something doesn’t work, or leaks, and I get obsessed with trying to resolve it.

    Liked by 1 person

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