SAL-Crown of Thorns #11 -Finish

I am doing my happy dance! Thirty-three weeks working on this project and I am finished. Here is where I left off last time: And here is the finished piece: I had my husband hold the fabric up in a different light and look at the difference it made below: The better light completely transformedContinue reading “SAL-Crown of Thorns #11 -Finish”

SAL-Crown of Thorns #10

I do admit I am mad at myself for not finishing this project up this last three weeks. I just couldn’t quite get it done though. Too nice outside, festivals to help out at, holidays, work, Vacation Bible School….you get the picture. Here is where I was last update: Here is where I am now:Continue reading “SAL-Crown of Thorns #10”

SAL #9 Crown of Thorns

I really can’t believe it’s been 3 weeks since our last update! I still haven’t finished this project. Summer has finally arrived here in NY and I have been in my garden and outside on hikes when I am not at work. I did make some progress though so hopefully you can tell the difference.Continue reading “SAL #9 Crown of Thorns”

SAL 8 Crown of Thorns

Good morning from sunny New York! I really can’t believe it’s been 3 weeks since our last check-in. I have been working mostly in my garden so not as much progress has been done on Crown of Thorns as I would have liked but here it is… Where I left off last time: And whereContinue reading “SAL 8 Crown of Thorns”

SAL 7- Crown of Thorns

What a gorgeous weekend it has been for us here in Upstate NY! Sunny and even warm today is the forecast. Before I run outside and play in my garden here is my three week SAL update. Three weeks ago I left off with almost having the bottom finished: After three weeks here is howContinue reading “SAL 7- Crown of Thorns”

SAL-#5 Crown of Thorns

Good Morning from sunny New York! What a beautiful day it is going to be. Before I go out and dig in my garden all day I thought I better update you all on my progress with Crown of Thorns. Here is where I ended three weeks ago: And here is where I am now:Continue reading “SAL-#5 Crown of Thorns”

SAL #4 Crown of Thorns

It’s been three weeks since our last update and I have made some progress on this project. Here is where I left off last time: And here is where I am now: I am starting the crown but I have to tell you the monochromatic pallet is starting to get to me. I am pushingContinue reading “SAL #4 Crown of Thorns”

SAL #3 Crown of Thorns

Good morning from windy New York! We are expecting a high wind storm the next 2 days with winds reaching 75-80 mph. I didn’t get a lot stitched these last three weeks. I have been catching up on my reading instead of crafting but if the weather reports are right I will be getting aContinue reading “SAL #3 Crown of Thorns”

SAL #2 Crown of Thorns

It’s been three weeks since our last update and we have had multiple snow storms even blizzards in that time so boy did I get a lot done on my current project! Here is where I left off last time which was my first post on this WIP: And here is Jesus’s haunting face whichContinue reading “SAL #2 Crown of Thorns”

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The Snail of Happiness

small steps to a kinder world

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Autumn Leaves & A Spring Breeze

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Midwest Mattie

just living my best life in the midwest.

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Sewing Etc.

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Debt Free Hopeful

“Love recognizes no barriers. It jumps hurdles, leaps fences, penetrates walls to arrive at its destination full of hope.” — Maya Angelou


Outrageous mama saying Fuck It

The Journey to a Debt-Free Life

Reshaping your Financial Future

Cottage Garden Trio

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Ever The Crafter

She, ever the crafter, kept on crafting

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