Parsley and Sage

Historically herbs have been used not only to add flavor to food but also to preserve and for medicinal purposes. Another passion of mine is the use of herbs. I have started to research the use of herbs for digestion and anxiety and cold and flu. I struggled this summer to find herb plants toContinue reading “Parsley and Sage”

Turning a Weed Patch into a Usable Garden

The area behind my garage has always given me problems. Years ago when my grandparents had my home they used the space behind the garage for a sunken garden which had blueberry plants and many other things in it through the years. By the time I bought the house the area was a mess fromContinue reading “Turning a Weed Patch into a Usable Garden”

Petals and Pins

Quilting | Stitching | Gardening

One Hundred Dollars a Month

Join Mavis Butterfield for vegetable gardening and canning tips, easy recipes, and saving money strategies (Rug hooking, too!). Simple living at its best!

Gardening Nirvana

Sharing my journey in and out of the garden

The Snail of Happiness

small steps to a kinder world

Cocktails In The Library

Talking about great books while enjoying tasty libations!

Autumn Leaves & A Spring Breeze

Leading a happy and sustainable lifestyle

Midwest Mattie

just living my best life in the midwest.

Sewing Beside the Sea

All things made with my needle and thread


Making and creating

Sewing Etc.

Sharing my adventures in sewing and needlearts

Debt Free Hopeful

“Love recognizes no barriers. It jumps hurdles, leaps fences, penetrates walls to arrive at its destination full of hope.” — Maya Angelou


Outrageous mama saying Fuck It

The Journey to a Debt-Free Life

Reshaping your Financial Future

Cottage Garden Trio

The daily life and times of a thirty something couple and their toddler

McMuffins Gaming

From the Mind of a Gamer

Claire93's Blog

my little corner in blogland

Ever The Crafter

She, ever the crafter, kept on crafting

Emma's Craft Projects

Everyday craft inspirations